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Killer 3s - BIG3 Summer of Fire 2023

Franklin Session Captain
Donte Greene Co-Captain
Josh Powell Co-Captain
Dominique Johnson Player
Javier Carter Player
Charles Oakley Coach

After a playoff absence in 2021, Charles Oakley's Killer 3s roared back, securing a postseason berth in 2022. With a solid 4-2 record in the regular season, they triumphed over 3's Company in the first round. However, their journey was cut short when they faced the indomitable force of Trilogy in the second round, concluding their season with a 50-35 defeat against the eventual 2022 Champions.

Led by Captain Franklin "Frank Nitty" Session, the Killer 3s unleashed a relentless intensity week after week, consistently applying pressure to their opponents. Frank Nitty, a quintessential lead guard in the BIG3, not only impacts the game directly with his exceptional passing skills but also energizes the entire team with his infectious spirit.

The Killer 3s have added a fresh face to their roster in the form of Javier Carter. Known for his slashing ability, coupled with good size and a penchant for electrifying dunks, Carter brings an exciting dynamic to the team. His arrival raises expectations as to whether he can contribute to propelling the Killer 3s to the pinnacle of the BIG3.

Prepare for the Killer 3s to unleash their unwavering determination once again. With Captain Frank Nitty at the helm, leading by example, and the exciting addition of Javier Carter, the team sets its sights on scaling new heights in the BIG3. Stay tuned as they strive to carve their path to success with their trademark tenacity and a newfound dimension.