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Prime Time Live Supercard 2021
Official PPV Replay

* Available in the United States
* Included unlimited replays
"Dirty Daddy"
"The Librarian"
"The Epic"


On October 2nd United Wrestling Network Primetime is back live on FITE straight from Commerce Casino & Hotel, CA. The event features pro wrestlers from AEW, NJPW, NWA and the finals of the UWN World Championship Tournament. Check below the already announced lineup:

Gino Rivera vs Juicy
Midnight Heat vs "Pretty" Peter Avalon & Ray Rosas "PPRay"

All Star Six Man Tag Attraction
Clark Connor, Karl Fredricks & Alex Coughlin vs Kevin Martinson, Rust Taylor & Daniel Garcia

Ruby Raze vs Viva Van
David Finley vs Wil Alday

United World Championship Final Match
Chris Dickinson vs Mike Bennett

Tune in, order today and watch on FITE!

*lineup subject to change

Poster and Selected Action

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