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Rise FC 5
Chad Anheliger vs Brady Hiestand
Official PPV Replay

* Available in the United States
* Included unlimited replays


Fight Card:

11. Chad Anheliger vs Brady Hiestand *Main Event
10. John Nguyen vs Radley Da Silva *Co-Main

9. Josh Kwiatkowski vs Randy Mahon
8. James Foster vs Alex Branom


7. Raphael Ouellet vs Damon Marlow
6. Nick LeBlanc vs Vicente Mabanta
5. Josh Chow vs JJ Warren
4. Paul Sahota vs Kieran Davies
3. Maria Djukic vs Joanne Ready
2. Jason Backes vs Satjit Uppal
1. Jag Bhullar vs TBA

Poster and Selected Action

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